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GB64 Recommended Games...

Mr. Do!
J2003C says: This game isn't that much like the arcade classic, but is just as fun! The only problem may be that it is a little too easy, once you get the hang of it, so extra lives and exploding rubber balls keep on coming!

Wavy Navy
Neo-Rio says: Roll up and down the waves while blasting the planes out of the sky. It's like space invaders, but with the annoyance of the waves, and the mines and missiles that can hit you if you don't ride the waves correctly.

Steve says: Really addicting, great music and effects, still great fun to play!

Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge
Neo-Rio says: Daley Thompson has a lot to answer for. The games he graced, especially this one, were primarily responsible for thousands of broken joysticks all around the world.

Mail Order Monsters
J2003C says: M.O.M. takes Archon into the realm of an RPG. Customize your monsters, fight when strong, run when weak and you'll always be coming back for more.

Neo-Rio says: An immensely beautiful platform game, with some great music and playability. A bit frustrating at times, but not enough to keep you coming back.

Neo-Rio says: Gauntlet was actually a rip-off of this game, not the other way around. Dandy is, however, not all that dandy (pun intended). It's playable but bugged, thanks to the 11th hour software salvage...

Neo-Rio says: The gameplay of the arcade original faithfully ported to the C64. The result is a lot of fun. It's you against the clock. Get to the end of the obstacle course by any means!

Quest for the Holy Grail, The
Neo-Rio says: Here's a graphical text adventure based of the well known Monty Python movie. Here, you'll find the three headed knight, the knights who say NIC!, and that insane french guard!

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