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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: An official version of the arcade classic "Galaga" never made it to the Commodore 64, but this knock-off is a very good one which has all the excellent features of the original.

Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer
Neo-Rio says: This is without a doubt, THE best flight simulator on the C64. Not only is the game in polygon 3D, but you get to have plane races and perform trick manoeuvers like a test-pilot.

Street Sports Baseball
graveyardjohn says: "Yer Out!", rang the smug cry when it was time to swap players on this one. Take ages to decide which kids to have on your team, then argue about the amount of wide balls which are thrown! Aaahh...the game to bring back memories of that childish bickering...

Steve says: This one is a great racing game or almost to say, a simulator. Not that easy to get into it, but once you did, you'll sure like it!

Turbo Out Run
graveyardjohn says: A great racer for the C64, only 2nd to Turbocharge. Good graphics, great Jeroen Tel title theme, and it beats the previous US Gold version of Out Run hands down.

Mayhem says: Once you get over the initial control foibles (which sadly put quite a few people off), there's a whole new world out there just waiting to be coloured up. Cunning, ruthless and fun, if a bit easy. Gameplay ideas were second to none however.

Wonderboy in Monsterland
Neo-Rio says: This conversion maintains everything that made the original arcade game fun. It's a platform roleplaying game of the highest order. Lots of varied enemies to fight, and lots of gold and goodies to get!

CJ's Elephant Antics
graveyardjohn says: Elephant Antics harks back to the pixel perfect jumping reminiscent of 'New Zealand Story'. Guide your elephant (CJ, or his mate) across levels of cute baddies in this multi-directional scrolling 2D platform game to reach your goal.

Galactic Games
Neo-Rio says: A very weird multi-eventer. Psychic Hockey and the Marathon would have to be my favourite events. The marathon in particular is a very original and playable challenge.

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