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GB64 Recommended Games...

Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom
Neo-Rio says: This used to be a fairly popular game back in the 80s as I remember. Looks dated now of course, but I remember it for its nostalgia value.

Neo-Rio says: This little budget offering is hugely playable. Best way to describe it would be Commando in 3D

Carry on Laughing
Neo-Rio says: Taking a page out of Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy, this platformer puts you up against all sorts of weirdness, such as the realm of the school dinner. (wtf?)

Neo-Rio says: This brilliant little game came on a Zzap64 covermounted cassette. The game is pretty and fairly playable, but most amazing is the mind blowing music score.

Radar Rat Race
Neo-Rio says: Rally-X never got a C64 conversion, but Radar Rat race is a decent clone. Instead of cars and flags... we have mice and cheese! I fondly remember playing this game to death!

Neo-Rio says: This is another wacky game to timewarp you back to the 80s. Collect demo tapes, then blast pedestrians with the music! Deliver the tape before some freak breaks your ghettoblaster!

Neo-Rio says: Don't ask me why, but I found this Bubble Bus game addictive. I still can't get over how stupid the music is though.

Hero Quest
Neo-Rio says: Not a bad conversion of the Milton Bradley board game. With a series of quests it becomes more like a simplified RPG - which means it's very easy to get into.

Crystal Fever
Neo-Rio says: A very impressive and polished "BoulderDash" clone which includes more features than the original. Also includes a two player simultaneous mode. With a built in construction kit, you really won't be able to drop the joystick.

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