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GB64 Recommended Games...

Defender of the Crown
J2003C says: Classic war game! Master the catapult and jousts or you'll never win. Fantastic graphics and good music. Emulator speedup make this even better due to long load times.

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
Neo-Rio says: If you're too young to remember He-Man, then you missed out on cartoons, plastic toys, a feature film... and this game. It's not a good game by a long stretch, but the Ben Daglish soundtrack gives me some nostalgia.

Neo-Rio says: Classic. Running around in a maze has never been this much fun, or ever will be!

Alcazar - The Forgotten Fortress
Neo-Rio says: Get your butt onto the throne in the fortress! The game is different every time you play, and you'll have lots of fun shooting at guards chasing you. Make sure you have the right weapon for the right monster! Watch out for the genies!

Gateway to Apshai
J2003C says: The looks are deceptive here. Completing each dungeon takes skill, patience, experience and knowlege about the monsters. Quite addictive!

Bard's Tale III, The - Thief of Fate
Michael Plate says: This was the first RPG which really fascinated me. I wasn't able to stop playing this addicting game before finishing it.

Lode Runner
Neo-Rio says: A classic platform game in every respect. If you haven't played it, you've been living under a rock. There's a level editor in there too, so you won't get bored easily when there's all those levels of treasure to collect.

Neo-Rio says: A platforming puzzle game. As a trusty hound, you must ensure that your sleepwalking master doesn't do himself in as he makes his nightly rounds. Should be a tough challenge!

Turbo Out Run
graveyardjohn says: A great racer for the C64, only 2nd to Turbocharge. Good graphics, great Jeroen Tel title theme, and it beats the previous US Gold version of Out Run hands down.

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