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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: I think the game designers ripped the game concept for this game off an obscure arcade game... but that doesn't stop it being addictive and difficult. It's half puzzler, half action, all frustrating! But I like it!

Neo-Rio says: Superhero is a 3D isometric platform game in the mould of Head over Heels, and "Batman" on the Amstrad and Spectrum. So if you liked those games... you'll like this one as well.

Arc of Yesod, The
AleTsg says: Simple but fashinating game, I have spent on it more that one life!

Arcade Classics
graveyardjohn says: An excellent Firebird £1.99 game, with four classic arcade games - Spacewar, Snakes, Space Invaders and Asteroids, and a top Hubbard heavy-rock soundtrack.

Captain Blood
Neo-Rio says: This space adventure game has this feature where you can talk to characters about things using a symbolic language.

Wonderboy in Monsterland
Neo-Rio says: This conversion maintains everything that made the original arcade game fun. It's a platform roleplaying game of the highest order. Lots of varied enemies to fight, and lots of gold and goodies to get!

Neo-Rio says: A classic arcade conversion to the C64. Despite missing a few levels from the arcade game, the playability is flawless. The Rob Hubbard soundtrack puts the arcade version's to shame.

Galactic Games
Neo-Rio says: A very weird multi-eventer. Psychic Hockey and the Marathon would have to be my favourite events. The marathon in particular is a very original and playable challenge.

Jimbo says: For a £1.99 budget game, this rocked! Great little multi-screen shoot'em-up, that has a cool melodious tune to listen to whilst you play!

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