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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: This is a good puzzle game which is easy to play, but difficult to master. Definitely fun nevertheless.

Pugsy says: One of the first great games on the C64, and one of the few home computer games to get converted to the arcade.

Neo-Rio says: Snoopy has to navigate an obstacle course with some well-timed jumping. I had a great time playing this one a long time ago.

ThunderCats - The Lost Eye of Thundera
Neo-Rio says: I can't say I liked the cartoon that much, but this game is quite fun and a bit frustrating. I dunno how this cartoon's theme tune found its way into "Bomb Jack II" though - that was just weird.

Suicide Express
Neo-Rio says: Fondly remembered for it's Bladerunner-esque music and the sythesized voice which tells you your score when you die. I don't understand why the author made many clones of it, the game is a bit average.

Neo-Rio says: Another side-scrolling shooter game with class. This game is REALLY HARD, but for some reason I got addicted to it, despite dying over and over again.

Manic Miner
Matt Larsen says: Software Projects' classic single-screen platformer. Still fun to play even now... each new level offers something different from the last!

Barbarian - The Ultimate Warrior
Neo-Rio says: Inspired by those "Conan the Barbarian" movies, Barbarian is a fighter for 2 players. The dubious "head lopping" feature is what we all remember well about this game!

Neo-Rio says: Oh, how I like Gauntlet clones! This one's not too bad - but a bit flawed from the abundance of demons on every level. You can have up to 3 players at once in this one, so someone better get used to the keyboard!

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