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GB64 Recommended Games...

J2003C says: Fantastic platformer with lots of variety, many monsters, traps, treasures, puzzles and spells. After you finish all 38 levels, try Ultimate Wizard (99 levels) or one of the many unofficial custom level collections.

Neo-Rio says: The 64 version of this game is easier to play than the arcade version, and is way more fun. Climb up some physically impossible shaped buildings, put out the fires, and dodge the flames and other weird things falling down on you!

Monopole CBM-64
Neo-Rio says: The classic boardgame got the BASIC V2.0 treatment early on in the C64's life. It's great fun and nostalgic for me, because I learnt some cool programming tricks from the listing.

Captain Blood
Neo-Rio says: This space adventure game has this feature where you can talk to characters about things using a symbolic language.

Mayhem in Monsterland
Mayhem says: Flashy, fast, slick... and highly playable. The pinnacle of console-like gaming on the C64.

Neo-Rio says: Another side-scrolling shooter game with class. This game is REALLY HARD, but for some reason I got addicted to it, despite dying over and over again.

Raft-Away River
Neo-Rio says: Get all your characters to build and escape on a raft before the river floods. I remember playing this game at school and really enjoying it. Just goes to show how old I am.

Neo-Rio says: This is Q-bert revisited, so why do I remember it? Aside from the game being a bit "out-there", the slinky death scene gave me a huge laugh the first time I saw it.

Mask of the Sun, The
Steve says: One of the great adventures from the early days of the C64. Great plot, nice parser.

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