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GB64 Recommended Games...

Zork I - The Great Underground Empire
Steve says: first-ever "interactive-fiction"-product from infocom and the most popular text adventure ever, written in 1981; Infocom essentially invented the wheel to fit the limitations of the day. Flawed by current standards, but still a remarkable achievement. You, the adventurer, stumble on the remains of the Great Underground Empire, and seek out the treasures hidden there.

Aliens - The Computer Game
Neo-Rio says: The power has gone out in the base. Three of your crewmembers are hoplessly lost and low on ammo. Suddenly their sensors detect aliens in the room which they can't see! You panic, only to find that one of their portraits has turned into that of an alien's........

Wizardry V - Heart of the Maelstrom
Steve says: True RPGs are nowadays seldomly seen. Sad. But why don't you launch your C=64 or emulator and give this one a try. As all of the wizardry RPGs, this one is a great classic game with a strong plot and a very challenging engine. Enter the kingdom of Llylgamyn! To bad part VI (Bane of the cosmic forge) has never been released on the C=64

Knight Games
Neo-Rio says: Not as good as IK, but still a really fun game when you're playing someone else. There are six fighting events, so there's variety - and two shooting galleries for good measure.

Bard's Tale , The - Tales of the Unknown
Steve says: Oh yeah, The Bard's Tale. Sleepless nights in Skara Brae. The good old times when a role paying game really was fun. The Bard's Tale definitely is one of the best classic, oldschool RPGs.

Lords of Midnight
Neo-Rio says: This game is not for the impatient, cause the map and game is very big indeed. It's a classic graphical adventure game, and if you have the patience you'll find this game rewarding.

Skate or Die!
graveyardjohn says: Tony Hawks Pro Skater, but 10 years earlier! Get with 'the kids' and take on your mates (or the computer) on a variety of different activities, including half-pipe, downhill jam, and a battle in an empty swimming pool.

Mayhem says: The best fighting game on the C64, and one of the best ever. Three fighters ups the ante and the bonus game is cunning enough to reward those skillful to defeat it. Even better than classic now you can have 3 humans in the action with the hack that is available.

Fame Quest
Neo-Rio says: A mini RPG-like game which will keep you entertained for a while as you try to complete it.

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