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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: This is Q-bert revisited, so why do I remember it? Aside from the game being a bit "out-there", the slinky death scene gave me a huge laugh the first time I saw it.

Neo-Rio says: Oh, how I like Gauntlet clones! This one's not too bad - but a bit flawed from the abundance of demons on every level. You can have up to 3 players at once in this one, so someone better get used to the keyboard!

Neo-Rio says: Many people said that the C64 version of this game sucks, as it was a port from the Spectrum. I found this game to be incredibly playable and challenging when I got over how bad it looks.

Steve says: So much has been said about this classic game. And yes, it's all true, the game is even better! There is no better pirate game out there even nowadays.

Fighter Bomber
Neo-Rio says: Much like Chuck Yeager's flight sim, this game is all in polygon 3D. This game, however, lets you dogfight other planes and blow things up!

Burger Time
Neo-Rio says: An oldie but goodie clone of the arcade game for our Commodores. Just playing it makes me hungry.

Neo-Rio says: Pick one of the characters and try and influence all the other characters to be on your side. Once you do that, you are Shogun! Based on the classic novel.

Rocky Horror Show, The
Neo-Rio says: Let's do the time warp again.... This game is as weird as the original musical. If you're not stripped naked in-game, you'll be blasted, hit by the motorcycle, or run out of time.

Neo-Rio says: Another brilliantly conceived shooter by Rainbow Arts. More power-ups to load your ship with than any other game I've played!

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