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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: Another roadblasters-like game, as you must drive shipments of goods between towns, while blasting at anything else on the road. Quite an impressive selection of car add-ons is available.

Neo-Rio says: Based on the 50s cowboy movie of the same name, complete with a rendition of the theme tune. The animations are cute with some nice touches - particularly the undertaker. A nostalgic trip, although not the greatest game ever.

Island of Dr. Destructo, The
graveyardjohn says: Destroy the attacking planes before they sink the ship you're defending. Very enjoyable!

Cyberdyne Warrior
Neo-Rio says: This is a colorful platformer which is really quite playable. The flick screen system will frustrate you initially, but half the fun is learning how to complete the level, and powering up your gun.

Seven Cities of Gold
Matt Larsen says: This was the first adventure game that truly hooked me. When I was a kid I always had to create new worlds, as my pirated copy never had the original map disk!

Michael Plate says: One of the best shoot'em ups ever. Don't miss playing it in the two-player mode.

Nemesis the Warlock
Neo-Rio says: Interesting game this one. You slash and shoot aliens until the bodies pile up, then climb up to the top of the screen on a pile of their carcasses! The sword slashing action is fun though.

Rocket Ranger
Neo-Rio says: Cinemaware, true to their name, produced this game experience on par with a 50s matinee movie. The graphics and sound create a tense and exciting atmosphere, not too unlike Cinemaware's other games.

Neo-Rio says: Another bizarre and trippy game with some excellent music. You have to clean up 15 or so sectors, with bizarre aliens in each sector to deal with. It's a little different than most shoot'em ups. That's for sure.

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