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GB64 Recommended Games...

Turbo Charge
Neo-Rio says: Play as secret agents on the trail of gunrunners. This driving game has some REAL speed, and your firebutton finger will get a workout, as you can go blasting away at everything on the road.

Marble Madness
graveyardjohn says: A very good conversion, but to think I bought this on cassette and put up with the atrocious multi-load! Make sure you play the disk version!

Space Rogue
Neo-Rio says: Apparently this game is pretty darn good. I haven't played it much, but I can tell you it is. So there!

Lazy Jones
Neo-Rio says: This game had a tune ripped from it and remixed into an international club sensation... and the game is pretty cool too! Loads of weird and playable mini-games and sideshows! Playing this game is an experience in itself.

AMC - Attack of the Mutant Camels
graveyardjohn says: A blatant Empire-Strikes-Back-derivative AT-AT/camel hybrid, I am a lucky owner of a signed copy by Jeff Minter! Essential blasting!

SEUCK - Shoot 'Em-Up Construction Kit
Neo-Rio says: Arrrgghhh! It's the construction kit responsible for a lot of crappy shooting games in Gamebase! Actually it's very rewarding to create your own game... just don't make one that "SEUCKs" ;)

Flying Ace
Neo-Rio says: Not exactly the arcade "Sky Kid", but plenty of fun to be had here nevertheless. Despite the limited gameplay, the game is on the right side of frustrating to ensure you keep coming back.

J2003C says: This game has the same variety and challenge as the classic arcade game. Too bad the emulator doesn't support the MV Speech Module. A real piece of nostalgia.

Rocky Horror Show, The
Neo-Rio says: Let's do the time warp again.... This game is as weird as the original musical. If you're not stripped naked in-game, you'll be blasted, hit by the motorcycle, or run out of time.

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