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GB64 Recommended Games...

Fist II - The Legend Continues
AleTsg says: A really great adventure, unfortunally bugged. A "must-to-see"

Seven Cities of Gold
Matt Larsen says: This was the first adventure game that truly hooked me. When I was a kid I always had to create new worlds, as my pirated copy never had the original map disk!

Mr. Do!
J2003C says: This game isn't that much like the arcade classic, but is just as fun! The only problem may be that it is a little too easy, once you get the hang of it, so extra lives and exploding rubber balls keep on coming!

Donald Duck's Playground
Neo-Rio says: How do you make a game that girls will play endlessly? Put in some likeable characters, silly tasks, money, and shopping for junk you don't need. Sounds much like my own life though - minus Donald Duck.

Zork I - The Great Underground Empire
Jimbo says: This game is still hailed as one of the best text adventures of all time. Infocom's masterpiece is gripping, absorbing, addictive, and it has a great language parser! Go hunt for that treasure!

Steve says: cool game with great sound (check out the Romeo Knight feat. Beastie Boys Remix of the tune on

Pugsy says: One of the first great games on the C64, and one of the few home computer games to get converted to the arcade.

Neo-Rio says: Classic. Running around in a maze has never been this much fun, or ever will be!

Hover Bovver
Michael Plate says: I hate mowing but not this small nice game by Jeff Minter. Try to finish your job without getting caught by your neighboor or his dog.

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