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GB64 Recommended Games...

graveyardjohn says: Angle the mirrors to destroy the items around the playfield. Can get frustrating, which is where the 'quicksave' button in CCS64 comes in handy!

Di's Baby
Neo-Rio says: As the game comes from "Bad Taste software", you would expect nothing less than a game with a crappy (literally) version of Space Invaders, somehow loosely tied to the royal family. Urgh......

Neo-Rio says: A classic on the NES, this conversion of the arcade game to the Commodore 64 only disappoints a little because of some missing levels and no two player option. Other than that, it's just as fun.

Hocus Focus
Neo-Rio says: A punk haired reporter has to sneak into the mad professor's lair and take photos of bits his latest invention - just mind the weird ghosts, and don't forget the keys to the fans. Enjoy Whittaker's "Lazy Jones"-esque music too.

graveyardjohn says: How could we not include this?! Move from floor to floor, dispatching or taking over robots on the way. A combination of mild shooter and puzzler, this will keep you glued for ages.

Head over Heels
Pugsy says: This game is graphically almost identical to the speccy version. But don't hold that against's still a great game if you've got the patience to complete it.

David's Midnight Magic
Neo-Rio says: The most playable Pinball game on the C64, considering the field design was ripped off the acclaimed real-life pinball table "Black Knight". If you can get more than 640,000 you'll have beaten my high score.

Steve says: sure thing this one is to include in my all-time-favourites. First one in the enchanter series by infocom, later followed by the even better "sorcerer" and the fantastic "spellbreaker". You, a novice enchanter, are sent to defeat an evil warlock bent on taking over the world.

Neo-Rio says: This is like Stellar 7 with wings. You'll get to blast lots of things in wonderful wireframe 3D, and control TV guided missiles! May help to learn the controls though...

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