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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: Alleykat is supposed to be about futuristic racing, but this game plays more like a 3D shoot'em up in the mould of Zaxxon. The game oozes class, a cool title track, great C64 graphics, and a nasty thing called a Katerkiller. I played this one for ages....

graveyardjohn says: Some great graphics and tunes, but some difficult maneuvers await those who can finish the first three levels....

J2003C says: Fantastic platformer with lots of variety, many monsters, traps, treasures, puzzles and spells. After you finish all 38 levels, try Ultimate Wizard (99 levels) or one of the many unofficial custom level collections.

Lode Runner
Neo-Rio says: A classic platform game in every respect. If you haven't played it, you've been living under a rock. There's a level editor in there too, so you won't get bored easily when there's all those levels of treasure to collect.

Ghosts'n Goblins
graveyardjohn says: More enjoyable than the arcade version (and certainly easier!), this version comes with a unique Mark Cooksey soundtrack.

Neo-Rio says: Telengard is just one of the early classic RPGs that you can keep playing almost to infinity (and nearly had me doing). Watch those wraiths and specters, they'll nick your exeprience levels!

Neo-Rio says: Gyroscope is a blatant Marble Madness rip-off, but it's still pretty playable. The music was also pretty decent too.

Neo-Rio says: This game has "classic" written all over it. Strangely more fun and challenging than the Atari official release.

IO - Into Oblivion
Neo-Rio says: I love side-scrolling shoot'em ups... and here's another shining example of how good these games could be on the C64.

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