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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: I think the game designers ripped the game concept for this game off an obscure arcade game... but that doesn't stop it being addictive and difficult. It's half puzzler, half action, all frustrating! But I like it!

Arcade Classics
graveyardjohn says: An excellent Firebird £1.99 game, with four classic arcade games - Spacewar, Snakes, Space Invaders and Asteroids, and a top Hubbard heavy-rock soundtrack.

Neo-Rio says: A puzzling "Solomon's Key" type game. With loads of levels, it will keep you challenged and occupied for quite a while. It's a bit good.

Double Dragon III - The Rosetta Stone
Neo-Rio says: This C64 port of the arcade game turned out to be the best two player side scrolling beat'em up ever done for the C64, in my opinion. Make sure you bring a friend in.

Neo-Rio says: This game makes the NES "Bomberman" games look lame and simplistic. Here you can have up to 4 players, loads of different weapons, and the ability to create your own drone army! This battle royale rocks!

Neo-Rio says: As a tyrant in control of a poor country, you will eventually lose this game unless you change to a democracy, destroy the other countries, put hundreds into the secret police, and spend lots of money brainwashing people before elections. Just like real life!

Knight Games
Neo-Rio says: Not as good as IK, but still a really fun game when you're playing someone else. There are six fighting events, so there's variety - and two shooting galleries for good measure.

Orc Attack
Neo-Rio says: The first game I played from disk! Somebody read "Lord of the Rings" one too many times and came up with this game. It's surprisingly fun and panic inducing to hold off endless waves of orcs.

Neo-Rio says: The original Speedball was a really great 2 player game, with fast action and the ability to slam your opponents down. As far as 2 player sports games go, it's top-notch. Only thing better than this is the sequel!

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