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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: A playable "Bomberman" clone. Not much more to say other than that this is real fun.

Suicide Express
Neo-Rio says: Fondly remembered for it's Bladerunner-esque music and the sythesized voice which tells you your score when you die. I don't understand why the author made many clones of it, the game is a bit average.

Neo-Rio says: Many people said that the C64 version of this game sucks, as it was a port from the Spectrum. I found this game to be incredibly playable and challenging when I got over how bad it looks.

Legend of Sinbad, The
Neo-Rio says: A fun and frustrating multipart game. The first level rips off the old arcade game "Tutankham", but it becomes more original later on.

Sentinel, The
Neo-Rio says: What do you get when you cross 10,000 levels of 3D graphics, a real time virtual reality strategy game, and ONLY 64K of memory? You get this programming masterpiece of a game! It was mindblowing in it's time and is still as playable today!

Mayhem says: Once you get over the initial control foibles (which sadly put quite a few people off), there's a whole new world out there just waiting to be coloured up. Cunning, ruthless and fun, if a bit easy. Gameplay ideas were second to none however.

Impossible Mission
Jimbo says: Classic platformer action. They don't come much better than this!

Mega Phoenix
Neo-Rio says: Enhanced version of the original arcade game. Impressive and very playable.

Neo-Rio says: A classic RPG from yesteryear, which set the tone for post-apocalyptal RPGs to come. The original article is great even by todays standards.

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