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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: A classic RPG from yesteryear, which set the tone for post-apocalyptal RPGs to come. The original article is great even by todays standards.

Skate or Die!
Matt Larsen says: Skateboarding was the IN thing in our neighborhood. We spent as much time playing this as we did the real thing!

Neo-Rio says: For those people who figured that Marble Madness just wasn't enough.... Hailed as a classic game, you'd better have cyborg reflexes and the patience of a saint to win this incredible game.

Guessing Game
J2003C says: This is the best, and only, 1 block game in the GBC. You'll try to guess the number, then try to guess why in the world you ever loaded this game!

Leaderboard Golf
Pugsy says: The best golf game on the 64, it's another one of those games that kept you coming back for more..and it's hardly dated either!

Movie Monster Game, The
Neo-Rio says: Play as a large monster and stomp all over a city! This game is much more playable on an emulator. The original disk used to force you to wait forever to load.

Turbo Charge
Neo-Rio says: Play as secret agents on the trail of gunrunners. This driving game has some REAL speed, and your firebutton finger will get a workout, as you can go blasting away at everything on the road.

Neo-Rio says: This ninja game looks bad, but is playable for some reason (either that or I find it nostalgic). You have to steal a disk (I think) and then escape in a helicopter.

One Man and his Droid
Neo-Rio says: This game has to be one of the most frustrating of all time. You think you've got a sheep and then... it escapes! If you haven't pulled all your hair out by then, you'll really enjoy the Hubbard soundtrack.

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