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GB64 Recommended Games...

Castle Wolfenstein
Neo-Rio says: "Achtung!" As well as being banned in Germany, this is the original inspiration for iD's "Wolfenstein 3D" and the FPS genre. This golden oldie forces you to rely on stealth more than firepower however. In game speech too.

Jack the Nipper
Neo-Rio says: You have to go around trying to be as naughty as possible. The controls are a bit tricky, the objects are a bit hard to figure out, but you'll be pea-shooting, scaring cats, wrecking PCs, and breaking prisoners out of jail in no time.

Pugsy says: A novel platforming game, great fun.

Mayhem in Monsterland
Pugsy says: This game came at the end of the c64s mainstream life, the technical advances shine through and it's a fun game even if it does 'borrow' slightly from a certain console game.

Fury, The
Neo-Rio says: An overlooked gem. It's NASCAR with guns and powerups. Not so easy but not too difficult either. I found it very playable.

graveyardjohn says: A very different game where you encourage your own good spores to grow while defeating the evil spores, helped or hindered along the way by tarot cards. Originally cost me a fiver, and was worth every penny.

Steve says: Alright, i know... how can you ....? But i love that game and I guess it's one of the first games i've ever seen on the C64. Coded in Basic and still enjoyable.

Fairlight - A Prelude
Neo-Rio says: The Spectrum classic had a C64 version, with some great and memorable music. While the graphics may be in monochrome, this game is fantastic...

Bard's Tale , The - Tales of the Unknown
Steve says: Oh yeah, The Bard's Tale. Sleepless nights in Skara Brae. The good old times when a role paying game really was fun. The Bard's Tale definitely is one of the best classic, oldschool RPGs.

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