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GB64 Recommended Games...

Turbo Charge
Neo-Rio says: Play as secret agents on the trail of gunrunners. This driving game has some REAL speed, and your firebutton finger will get a workout, as you can go blasting away at everything on the road.

Soul Crystal
Michael Härtig says: Coolest german graphic adventure I ever seen. It's worth a buy on eBay because we can't offer it here.

Hagar the Horrible
Neo-Rio says: This console-esque platformer came along late in the C64's life, but it was really a great game to play, with cameo appearances from other Hagar characters. Collect as much treasure for Helga as you can!

RISK - Rapid Intercept Seek and Kill
Neo-Rio says: Defender meets steroids. Pick up flying cargo and techies whilst trying not to get blasted. Clear a screen, land on the pads, and get more goodies so you can eventually make your ship very very nasty. The title music is inspiring too.

Into the Eagle's Nest
Neo-Rio says: Another great Gauntlet clone, but here you can run out of ammo and that has consequences. You also get to resuce prisoners but you'll need to learn where those lift-passes are....

Last Battle
Neo-Rio says: This game is actually the Nintendo "Hokuto-no-ken" game for the C64. Hokuto-no-ken is, of course, the Japanese animation where martial artists punch way too much and kick people's heads off. Fun game though.

Donald Duck's Playground
Neo-Rio says: How do you make a game that girls will play endlessly? Put in some likeable characters, silly tasks, money, and shopping for junk you don't need. Sounds much like my own life though - minus Donald Duck.

Guessing Game
J2003C says: This is the best, and only, 1 block game in the GBC. You'll try to guess the number, then try to guess why in the world you ever loaded this game!

Neo-Rio says: The official version of "Gun Smoke" wasn't that good on the C64, but this blatant clone does the game concept more justice.

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