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GB64 Recommended Games...

Island of Dr. Destructo, The
graveyardjohn says: Destroy the attacking planes before they sink the ship you're defending. Very enjoyable!

Bubble Bobble
Mayhem says: The best conversion on the C64, and a hugely impressive game in its own right. Best of all, the action is just as addictive when playing alone as with a friend. A game that warrants and definitely got continual repeated play over the years.

Rolling Ronny
Neo-Rio says: A polished platform game that came into existance towards the end of the C64's shelf life. It's a beautifully detailed and colorful game if you're into this sort of thing.

Last Ninja , The
Jimbo says: Great graphics, awesome music and addictive gameplay! One of the best Arcade Adventures to grace the C64!

Bard's Tale , The - Tales of the Unknown
Steve says: Oh yeah, The Bard's Tale. Sleepless nights in Skara Brae. The good old times when a role paying game really was fun. The Bard's Tale definitely is one of the best classic, oldschool RPGs.

Frank Bruno's Boxing
Neo-Rio says: Nintendo's old "Punch Out" game gets the Commdore 64 clone treatment. The result is actually quite impressive (and includes the obligatory Rocky tune), although some of the boxers get nigh impossible later on.

Castle Master
Neo-Rio says: Yep, it's polygon 3D time again. This time you're going to have to explore every nook and cranny (and crook and nanny) to find all the keys. Only then can you rescue your partner from the dragon.

Maniac Mansion
Neo-Rio says: Three kids go into a creepy old house run by a mad scientist to rescue their friend. And thus begins a classic graphic adventure game from yesteryear. Easy to get into, tricky to solve... and get out alive!

Neo-Rio says: Classic. Running around in a maze has never been this much fun, or ever will be!

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