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GB64 Recommended Games...

Zork I - The Great Underground Empire
Steve says: first-ever "interactive-fiction"-product from infocom and the most popular text adventure ever, written in 1981; Infocom essentially invented the wheel to fit the limitations of the day. Flawed by current standards, but still a remarkable achievement. You, the adventurer, stumble on the remains of the Great Underground Empire, and seek out the treasures hidden there.

Impossible Mission
Jimbo says: Classic platformer action. They don't come much better than this!

Raid over Moscow
Steve says: Yeah! It is exactly that what the title suggests. Hehe, I loved it. Good old times :-)

Matt Larsen says: I never got tired of winning this game. Just don't forget to buy Ghost Bait!

Wizardry V - Heart of the Maelstrom
Steve says: True RPGs are nowadays seldomly seen. Sad. But why don't you launch your C=64 or emulator and give this one a try. As all of the wizardry RPGs, this one is a great classic game with a strong plot and a very challenging engine. Enter the kingdom of Llylgamyn! To bad part VI (Bane of the cosmic forge) has never been released on the C=64

Barry McGuigan World Championship Boxing
Neo-Rio says: Probably the most accurate boxing simulation on the Commodore 64. It's going to take a lot of time in the gym to beat the likes of Barry himself though.

Steve says: Still puzzling, still great fun and still a great soundtrack!

Barbarian - The Ultimate Warrior
Neo-Rio says: Inspired by those "Conan the Barbarian" movies, Barbarian is a fighter for 2 players. The dubious "head lopping" feature is what we all remember well about this game!

First Samurai
Neo-Rio says: This game is a HUGE scrolling platformer... if you are platform game fanatic, this quality game is for you.

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