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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: Lemonade Tycoon? Pah! This is where it all started!

Law of the West
Neo-Rio says: Willie: "I gotta secret I won't tell!" Sherriff:"Scram, Pipsqueak!" Willie: "Up yours, Sherriff!"

Raid over Moscow
Matt Larsen says: How could anyone ever get tired of saving the earth from nuclear destruction? I used to stay home sick from school in order to play this game.

California Games
Neo-Rio says: A list of classic C64 games wouldn't be complete without California games. This multi-game collection was a hit on every platform it found it's way onto.

Neo-Rio says: Nice little puzzle game where you have to get to the exit, dropping tiles on the way. Don't get yourself cornered.

Turbo Charge
Neo-Rio says: Play as secret agents on the trail of gunrunners. This driving game has some REAL speed, and your firebutton finger will get a workout, as you can go blasting away at everything on the road.

Steve says: Those were the times when games with a unique idea and amazing addiction were published. I guess most people ever having owned a commodore 64 rate this game very high and most probable rank it in their personal all-time-favorite-list.

Hot Shot
graveyardjohn says: A hybrid of Breakout and Arkanoid, you destroy the blocks while your opponent does the same. The ball can move between yours and your opponents space, so watch out!

Jaw Breaker
Neo-Rio says: This is a game that belonged on the Atari 2600, but this Commodore 64 version is fun - despite the creepy smiles on the Jaw Breakers.

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