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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: Ever fancied taking control of some inner city traffic lights? Now's your chance in this panic inducing game. Send the traffic on its way or create a huge traffic jam!

Master of Magic, The
Neo-Rio says: A simple RPG game, which slowly becomes an addiction as you try to get the amulet to return to your own world. Complete with a Rob Hubbard soundtrack.

Match Point
Neo-Rio says: Despite its age, this is one of the most playable tennis games on the C64 in my opinion. Many hours spent trying to beat my brother at it.

Knight Games
Neo-Rio says: Not as good as IK, but still a really fun game when you're playing someone else. There are six fighting events, so there's variety - and two shooting galleries for good measure.

Jimbo says: A thoroughly absorbing, deeply engrossing helicopter sim. One of Microprose's finest!

Island of Dr. Destructo, The
graveyardjohn says: Destroy the attacking planes before they sink the ship you're defending. Very enjoyable!

Rocket Ranger
Neo-Rio says: Cinemaware, true to their name, produced this game experience on par with a 50s matinee movie. The graphics and sound create a tense and exciting atmosphere, not too unlike Cinemaware's other games.

Donald Duck's Playground
Neo-Rio says: How do you make a game that girls will play endlessly? Put in some likeable characters, silly tasks, money, and shopping for junk you don't need. Sounds much like my own life though - minus Donald Duck.

graveyardjohn says: Some great graphics and tunes, but some difficult maneuvers await those who can finish the first three levels....

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