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The GameBase64 Collection Database Version 19.0,  3 Jul 2023
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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: Although largely a disappointment on the C64 (thanks to the Spectrum look and feel), the game is still somewhat fun. It's like Gauntlet in 3D, and once you get used to the controls - you may have a blast.

War of the Lance
Neo-Rio says: I don't play fantasy war games much, but this one got me hooked for a week or so as I plotted strategy against the computer.

Jack the Nipper
Neo-Rio says: You have to go around trying to be as naughty as possible. The controls are a bit tricky, the objects are a bit hard to figure out, but you'll be pea-shooting, scaring cats, wrecking PCs, and breaking prisoners out of jail in no time.

Fist II - The Legend Continues
AleTsg says: A really great adventure, unfortunally bugged. A "must-to-see"

Sword of Kadash
Neo-Rio says: This overhead action roleplaying game will keep you busy for a long time. Classic addictive Role Playing with action and exploration. Great stuff.

Wavy Navy
Neo-Rio says: Roll up and down the waves while blasting the planes out of the sky. It's like space invaders, but with the annoyance of the waves, and the mines and missiles that can hit you if you don't ride the waves correctly.

J2003C says: This game is very fun and actually finishable without cheating. Better than Gauntlet, but only 1-2P. Golem controls for 1P are hard, but still fun. Chosing the right weapons and collecting the right treasures take experience and trial-and-error.

Zork I - The Great Underground Empire
Jimbo says: This game is still hailed as one of the best text adventures of all time. Infocom's masterpiece is gripping, absorbing, addictive, and it has a great language parser! Go hunt for that treasure!

Mayhem says: An arcade game that plays strategically? Andy Braybrook knew what he was doing. The excellent line-of-sight rules make this quite the game of cat and mouse at times.

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