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Welcome to Game of the Week! Each week there will be a new featured game on this page. The game may be good, average or diabolically bad, it really doesn't matter! Just look at the pics, read the text and enjoy the nostalgia! :-) Game of the Week! is open to contributions so if you would like to contribute a game article for this page you're more than welcome to! Every article we receive will be considered!
F-15 Strike Eagle
1985 Microprose
Programmed by Sid Meier
Most text of the present article comes from the feature on Flight Simulators, as published in the sixth issue of the British C64 magazine ZZAP!64 (October 1985).


US Gold, £9.95 cass, £14.95 disk

This jet simulator involves a complex strategy game as well as all the usual learning to fly problems. There are a number of separate missions to choose from ranging from easy to damn near impossible. It's bit similar to Spitfire Ace in that respect, bringing into play skills that are needed for air-to-air combat and bomb runs. Apart from the normaf 3D screen at the top there is a map that shows the locaf military instalations and any scrambled fighters. You are also equipped with radar that has various ranges. A healthy armoury is on offer, including such goodies as short-to-long range missiles and Electronic Counter Measures (ECM), just the same as in Elite.

On screen there is a plan view of your plane graphically showing your remaining ammunition and you are constantly updated on altitude, speed, engine power and compass bearing.

The vector graphics would have been quite good if it wasn't for the massive leaps taken in between frames. The overall outlook for F15 as a flight simulator is a bit weak as no landing or take off practice is involved and we would have thought these to be pretty fundamental for a flight sim. With the different missions and all that air-to-air combat F15 Strike Eagle seems capable of holding some interest, but that interest will probably soon pall.

Graphics 68%
Interaction 87%
Authenticity 70%
Overall 72%


Htmlized by Dimitris Kiminas (28 Jan 2003)

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