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Welcome to Game of the Week! Each week there will be a new featured game on this page. The game may be good, average or diabolically bad, it really doesn't matter! Just look at the pics, read the text and enjoy the nostalgia! :-) Game of the Week! is open to contributions so if you would like to contribute a game article for this page you're more than welcome to! Every article we receive will be considered!
1985 Doctorsoft
Programmed by ?
Most text of the present article comes from the feature on Flight Simulators, as published in the sixth issue of the British C64 magazine ZZAP!64 (October 1985).


Docsoft, £7.95 cass

This vector-based flight sim from Docsoft puts you in the pilot seat of a Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet. Upon loading you are presented with a nice pictorial view of the instrument panel plus a pilot's eye view of the outside world. As soon as its loaded, the game automatically auto runs and puts you straight into the game. Rather a silly feature really, as it doesn't let you settle yourself down before you start.

You'll find yourself flying towards the huge words 'DR SOFT' in vector 3D. The informative message 'Caution: Tall characters around' appears. It rather puts you straight in at the deep end as you have to avoid them. If you fancy being a bit flash, you can always fly your jumbo through the O in SOFT (although surely 747s were not designed as aerobatic planes). Once this hazard is passed you will need to increase your speed to avoid stalling.

You can, if you don't want to tackle the dreaded Dr Soft letters, press the E key, which allows you to enter different scenarios, all different airports. You can then fly around them and, if you're brave enough, try landing.

Reasonable control is given over your plane; there's the normal plane joystick operation (via the joystick) plus power, brake and flap control from the keyboard. There are several different scenarios to choose from, all modelled closely on the real world. The first screen with the large letters is there for getting used to the controls and how the plane will respond to them. Next screen is a take off and landing practice. Taking off is relatively simple but landing is harder as there are hoops to fly through that give the correct descent pattern for landing. The different scenarios get harder and harder, each one needing new skills to be developed.

Docsoft say buildings are represented in 3D at some airports, although we didn't manage to find any. Also included are complex navigational elements that must be used when flying to the destination airport.

The bonus that makes this flight sim worthwhile is the documentation. It provides reasonable understanding of radio navigation and aeroplane handling. The graphics are vector but the display is updated every third of a second, hardly Elite standard! Instruments are easily and quickly read because of the neat layout. The plane sometimes gets a trifle sluggish but the response is usually up to respectable standards for a 747.

Docsoft's 747 should be enjoyed by beginners wishing to delve into flight simulation and should also provide enough challenge to keep the hardened simulator pilot happy.

Graphics 58%
Interaction 60%
Authenticity 67%
Overall 64%


Htmlized by Dimitris Kiminas (28 Jan 2003)

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