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Review by
Steve Cooke
(The White Wizard)


Welcome to Game of the Week! Each week there will be a new featured game on this page. The game may be good, average or diabolically bad, it really doesn't matter! Just look at the pics, read the text and enjoy the nostalgia! :-) Game of the Week! is open to contributions so if you would like to contribute a game article for this page you're more than welcome to! Every article we receive will be considered!
The Lost City
1984 Mountain Valley Software
By ?
Most text of the present article comes from the review published in the fourth issue of the British C64 magazine ZZAP!64 (August 1985).

Step One, £14.95 cass

fter suffering at the hands of Step One's other, abysmal attempt for what seemed an eternity, it was with loathing tenacity that I waited for this one to load. The scenario certainly sounds interesting enough, but then so did that of The Scroll of Akbar Khan. 'Deep in the

mysterious jungles of Central America lies the Lost City of the Maya, overgrown and long forgotten.' Sounds great so far . . . 'Hidden among the crumbling ruins and deserted tunnels beneath the city are ten valuable Maya Relics. It is your task to unearth and store these relics, but beware! The ancient Maya have left many traps for the treasure seekers like yourself . . . '

Now this actually sounds more like it. Once it had finished loading and I started playing the game, my initial enthusiasm began to wane.

The Lost City looks very similar to Akbar Khan and, unfortunately, it plays like it. The vocabulary is just as poor and the responses are just as feeble. It does have a slightly better atmosphere and graphics than Khan, but retains the very unfriendly feel.

After much MOVEing and LOOKing at objects, the White Wizard found himself armed with several tools along with some cheese and biscuits (unfortunately no coffee) with which you start the adventure. Very many moves later, I found myself becoming increasingly hungry (guess what the biscuits were for?) and increasingly frustrated, as I fought mentally to get deeper into the game. With such a poor vocabulary and no real help in the way of descent responses (there is a HELP function, but for what help you get from it, I wonder why they bothered), the White Wizard got exceedingly aggravated very quickly and ended up turning off with disgust.

I'm distressed and overawed that such poor excuses for adventures are sold at such an incredibly high price and advise you to steer well clear unless the price should drop dramatically and you enjoy being frustrated and disgusted by such inferior quality.

Atmosphere 24%
Interaction 20%
Lasting Interest 26%

Value for Money




If you want a walkthrough, visit
Jacob Gunness
' Classic Adventures Solution Archive or
Martin Brunner's C64 Adventure Game Solutions Site

Htmlized by Dimitris Kiminas (31 March 2002)

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