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I found this simplified cross between
Gumshoe and Burger Time as slow and boring as the loading (never heard of a fast-loader, Addictive?). The graphics were quite good but the sound sparse, and what little of it there was, wasn't worth having. Maybe if this was released about a year ago, and on the Beeb . . .



I found this to be a very simple arcade game with little new to offer. The sprites and animation are okay, but the action gets repetitive. It's perfect as a cheapo game but not for the price currently charged. It does get tough enough to provide a challenge, but I found the lack of variety and originality in the gameplay disappointing.



Welcome to Game of the Week! Each week there will be a new featured game on this page. The game may be good, average or diabolically bad, it really doesn't matter! Just look at the pics, read the text and enjoy the nostalgia! :-) Game of the Week! is open to contributions so if you would like to contribute a game article for this page you're more than welcome to! Every article we receive will be considered!
1985 Addictive Games
Programmed by Steve Wiggins
Most text of the present article comes from the review published in the third issue of the British C64 magazine ZZAP!64 (July 1985).

Addictive Games, £6.95 cass, joystick only

O Simple, single-screen arcade chase

This game stars a distinctly down-market hack reporter who is seeking about a hotel, trying to get a flash photo of Polly Platinum in her penthouse suite. Which explains why he wears a dirty raincoat.

To get the picture you have to collect a camera, flash bulb, press pass, and also nick the key to Miss Platinum's room. Tut, tut! These objects are hidden in the rooms of the hotel and you have to find them by opening each door in turn.

The hotel itself is depicted on a single screen. There are four floors with rooms appearing on the top three. Polly's room is always at the top left and if you open the door she will sit and pose for the camera.

Polly Platinum poses for the camera but you're
being pursued by the commissionaire and Mr.
Angry. You're safe on an isolated platform but
you still need three items.

You move between floors by using the stairs (well, ladders), or the lifts that appear on later screens. Beware, though, since a fall of even one step loses you a life. You can jump over holes in the floor, and the animation of this and your walking is quite good for your large character.

You are working against your editor's deadline (aren't we all) and this ticks down at the bottom of the screen. If you don't get the picture in time you're in big trouble (OK, OK, I'm writing as fast as I can).

Things are made difficult by the hotel stuff who chase you about. If they catch you, they'll boot you out and you'll have lost a life. The bottom floor is used for the hotel staff, and this is where they appear. The number of hotel staff that chase you is determined by the level that you are on. You can jump past them sometimes, but should risk this only in emergencies.

A simple, single-voice tune plays throughout the game, which you may find boring after a while, and there are creaking door sound effects.


All out to get you

Up to six characters may chase you round the hotel.

COMMISSIONAIRE: Always trying to throw you out.

MR ANGRY: If you open the door to his room he wakes up and tries to put you to sleep instead.

MANAGER: Tries to stop you cluttering up his precious hotel and scaring away the guests.

CHEF: Looks like a sailor with a beard and a silly cap.

BARTENDER: A real poser with bouncer's muscles.

RECEPTIONIST/BELL BOY: Bit of a wimp in his silly hat, but can still throw you out.

It seemed to take about two and a half years to load, and personally if it took two and a half seconds to load, I don't think I'd return to it for another game. Mainly a banal sort of
Burger Time without the action. Not much challenge. Not much addictiveness. Not much variation. Not much excitement. Not much more to say.


42% A horrible long loader will bore you stiff.
A cross between Gumshoe and Burgertime.
59% Reasonable animation but simple screens.
The different layouts provide interest but you won't get too excited.
43% Horrible tune and very few effects.
Increasing difficulty but that doesn't improve the game.
42% A very simple game that looks dated and won't inspire.


Htmlized by Dimitris Kiminas (10 December 2001)
Sid freshly ripped by Warren Pilkington
(added on 20 Dec 2001)

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