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Higan script

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Higan script

Wed Sep 03, 2014 2:53 am


Is there already done any Higan script to use it with the GameBase? At this time seems to the best emulator for SNES, tried to run it with GameBase, but cant get to load games.

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Wed Sep 03, 2014 8:03 pm

Higan v094 will not work in GameBase or any other front end.
without some tweaking of the emu source code.
we need a hacker to make a patch for it. 8)

If you want Higan to work via GameBase.
you will have to stay with v093.
tested working with, unzipped roms with the extension .SFC

It is just way the emulator is coded, using it's own unique folders and file name settings. And no command line.

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