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M.I.A. game: "Ocean Racer"

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M.I.A. game: "Ocean Racer"

Fri Feb 09, 2007 9:41 am

G'day fellas.

Thought I might whet your appetite for rare and missing games.

In the C64 User's Guide. Appendix A, pages 122-123, there are descriptions of some games released by Commodore. I know three of them are in the GBC:

"Labyrinth" (ID 4234)
"High Flyer" (ID 3532)
"Rail Boss" (ID 12781)

The fourth one described, "Ocean Racer", is one game that I can't seem to find anywhere for download. The description is as follows (taken from the Project 64 e-guide):

You have entered the round-the-world yacht race. The race starts from Portsmouth and goes via Cape Town South Africa, Auckland New Zealand, Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and, finally, back to Portsmouth. You choose the type of ship you wish to captain: a single-masted cutter/sloop; a twin-masted ketch or a single-masted multi-hull boat. The race is in four stages, each of which contains various hazards ranging from icebergs to boat damage caused by passing whales! You decide which route to sail and how much sail to select for the prevailing wind conditions. A game for old salts and aspiring mariners alike.

Would it be vapourware or actual software? I've never seen it in my life, and this single paragraph in the User's Guide is all I have to go by. It'd be a fine addition to the GBC, to be sure!


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