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verifing game paths...

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:03 pm
by PeeknPoke_Lee
Hi all!
hi to John and James!!! :)
Just been playing around with gamebase but I cannot set the games/music/pics up.

Ive shown GB the directories they are in but when I go to verify the paths it says there are no games there.

what have I done wrong! Ive sent GB up, started a new database with the toolbox but no fun!

im crap me


Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 9:10 pm
by graveyardjohn
Alright Lee!

Good to meet you and Debbie over the weekend. Hope the journey home wasn't too painful.

The problem you've had may be this....
>Ive sent GB up, started a new database with the toolbox but no fun!
It sounds like you may be trying to validate the files against a brand new empty database.

* I guess you've already run gbv095_setup_full.exe to get the front-end going.
* After that, you need to install gb64v01.exe, which is the gamebase database itself - this needs to go into the folder you installed gamebase into.
* When you next run Gamebase.exe, it picks up the gamebase64 database - the GEMUS scripter pops up and you set up your emulators.
* Then you should go to 'Tools / Paths' and put your paths in (eg for games, if all the folders a,b,c etc are all in c:\games\, put this path in) before pressing Verify Files.

Give that a try, and see what happens. There is further info when you install gb64v01.exe which may help more.

Let us know how you get on.


Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 6:13 am
by PeeknPoke Lee
that is true,I am real shit
*must remember to read instructions but Im still tired from traveling...forgive me!!!*

Cheers John!

Fab night by the way, Now I am going to play loads of c64 games all day (no work today)

thanks again!


Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 6:21 pm
by rainbird
Hehe, I had the same problem, but no more.

cheeers :D