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Vic-20 emulator for Sony PSP that run game cartridges?

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Vic-20 emulator for Sony PSP that run game cartridges?

Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:16 pm

Hi all, I am a great fan of Commodore and I own both a Vic20 and a C64 with a stack of games for each, but for ease and convenience I use PSP vice to play C64 games on my PSP.

I don't know if this is the best place to ask about PSP emulators, but I have been trying for several months to find one that plays Vic-20 carts on the PSP. Does anyone have any first hand knowledge on a working emulator?

Yes, I found PSPVIC20 but it only seems to play .tap (tape) files.

I would love to play Cosmic Cruncher and other favorites while on the go. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:34 pm

looking at this page

it says VSF files are supported.

So you could try and take a snapshot image on the PC version of VICE for VIC20.
and see if it loads into the PSP version.

or just wait for the next version.

To answer some of the questions that are already coming in, yes it will have a virtual keyboard (it’d be pretty stupid to have a computer emulator without some form of one), and yes, it does support CRT files. VICE PSP is based on the latest version of VICE, 2.1.
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Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:00 pm

Thank you for the input. I tried taking a snapshot on a few games and tried to run those .vsf files with no luck. I guess I'll have to wait till the PSP Vic emulator can run Vic20 .prg files.

It's strange that Windows Vice has the option to "attach cartridge image" and PSP's does not.

If anyone knows of any emulator that might work please let me know.

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